For more on this bizarre story (and to see the horrifying game in action), check out The Angry Video Game Nerd's far more comprehensive look at it. Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny: Ultimate Challenge - Floor 3 (100).Wolfenstein 3D: Spear of Destiny: Ultimate Challenge - Floor 3 is played on the 'I am d. The story goes that id wanted to get back at Nintendo for imposing content restrictions for the SNES version of Wolfenstein 3D, in which the violence had to be toned down. Id Software had no official involvement with the game's development, but it's rumored that id secretly gave Wisdom Tree the source code for Wolfenstein 3D, knowing that they would use it to release Noah's Ark on the SNES without Nintendo's permission. Also, the level layouts and UI are basically the same. For instance, instead of Nazis, you have goats and instead of firearms, you have a slingshot that shoots fruit, which apparently puts the goats to sleep when you shoot it at them. The interesting thing about it (as if there were just one): It's essentially Wolfenstein 3D with swapped enemy and weapon sprites.

Episode Four of Wolfenstein 3D, titled A Dark Secret, is the first in the Nocturnal Missions trilogy of episodes which was initially sold separately from the games first three episodes, later fully integrated into the game. There could be an entire book written on Super Noah's Ark 3D, but I'll try to keep it succinct: Wisdom Tree, a company known for producing Bible-themed video games for Nintendo consoles (without Nintendo's approval) developed a game based on Noah's animal-collecting quest. For the mission of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, see Dark Secret. Okay, this is undoubtedly the most surprising development in Wolfensteins history.